Third Community Of Practice Kicks Of Phase 2 Of Resiliency Initiative

Three women looking down at a large sheet of paper on a table; one of the women is writing on the sheet.

On September 6, 2018, HealthSpark Foundation welcomed nearly 200 people to Normandy Farm Conference Center for a Community of Practice meeting.

This was the third such meeting, following other convenings in March and June. Community of Practice meetings have been an important component in Phase 1 of the foundation's Safety Net Resiliency Initiative - a 10-year effort to strengthen the county's safety net system.

Since the first Community of Practice meeting in March, approximately 70 individuals from health and human service nonprofits and county government have met in one of four Design Teams to brainstorm and hone ideas to improve the safety net. 

The Community of Practice is a venue for Design Team members, other health and human service providers, philanthropic and governmental leaders, consumers and other interested stakeholders to offer feedback to further inform the initiative. 

Foundation President & CEO Russ Johnson presented the six bold ideas that have emerged from the Design Teams and Phase 1:

  • Innovation Lab
  • Community of Practice
  • Commissioned Research
  • Communications Campaign
  • Advocacy Coalition
  • Leadership Capacity Building

The foundation will roll out each of these strategies over the next few months in Phase 2 of the initiative, beginning with the Innovation Lab, a grantmaking opportunity for organization to pilot test ideas to improve the safety net. A graphic detailing the various components of Phase 2 is below. 

The event was moderated by Meghan McVety of the consulting firm Capacity for Change, who has served as facilitator for all of the Design Teams and the two previous Community of Practice meetings. An important portion of the Community of Practice meeting were stories from consumers, shared by Marisa Ferst of ElderNet, Samia Bristow of the Maternity Care Coalition, and a video from the Pennsylvania Health Action Network. Norristown Chief of Police Mark E. Talbot, Sr., Chief closed the meeting with an important and inspirational message for attendees.

Click here to watch a video of the Community of Practice meeting. (See below for a breakdown of the video.) Additionally, a PDF of the event's PowerPoint presentation is available to download below.

Video Breakdown - Key Moments

  • 0:11 - 2:38 Welcome, Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, Chair of Montgomery County Board of Commissioners 
  • 2:40 - 6:09 Welcome, Russ Johnson
  • 6:14 - 9:12 Review of Design Teams' work, Meghan McVety
  • 9:12 - 18:45 The Design Team experience, Marisa Ferst & Samia Bristow
  • 19:05 - 27:38 Voices of the consumer (24:32 - 27:38 PHAN video)
  • 27:41 - 37:06 Phase 1 Summary, Chinwe Onyekere, Chair of HealthSpark's Board
  • 44:00 - 1:04:00 Phase 2 Overview, Russ Johnson
  • 1:07:31 - 1:24:00 Closing keynote, Mark E. Talbot, Sr.
Graphic providing an overview of Phase 2 of the foundation's Safety Net Resiliency Initiative