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The foundation recently elected officers for its board of directors.
A man in a suit jacket, sitting in front of wood bookshelves and a fern.
Former Board Chair John Stubbs speaks about where the foundation is headed.
A girl accepts a medal for finishing a foot race.
The foundation supported this triathlon for kids in the North Penn school district.
Nutrition information on a table
The Nutrition Coalition was launched in 2006 to reduce hunger and improve food security in the North Penn area by strengthening the emergency and supplemental food safety net system.
Three women posing for the camera, two hold up certificates.
Abramson Center honors garden volunteers to help those in need receive fresh produce.
Girls tending a garden.
Students at Vernfield Elementary help grow produce for those in need.
Two women review nutrition information.
Countywide Obesity Action Team helps students live healthier lives.
Drawing of a building design.
Manna, Peak, YMCA and Advanced Living are pursuing a project to colocate services.
Drawing of a building lobby.
Advanced Living Communities, Peak Center, Manna and YMCA are seeking to locate in grounds of former the Lans-Bowl.
A woman works on a laptop with a pie chart on screen.
Family Services of Montgomery County sought to achieve greater efficiency and better outcomes.