Your Way Home Montgomery County (2013)

The result of six years of intensive work with organizations that serve the homeless and domestic violence victims, funders and Montgomery County human service officials, Your Way Home Montgomery County provides a roadmap to prevent and end homelessness in the county in the next decade. The roadmap has seven overarching goals:
- Goal 1: Your Way Home Montgomery County makes a positive collective impact on ending and preventing homelessness in Montgomery County through public-private partnership,
systems change and service innovation. - Goal 2: The Homeless Prevention Center provides centralized and effective entry into Montgomery County's housing crisis response system.
- Goal 3: Housing Resource Centers are the primary community destinations for ending and preventing resident homelessness.
- Goal 4: Residents in need of shelter or transitional housing exit to permanent housing more quickly and effectively.
- Goal 5: Residents with the most severe barriers to housing success are able to live successfully and independently in permanent supportive housing or community living.
- Goal 6: All residents have better access to safe and affordable housing.
- Goal 7: Your Way Home Montgomery County grows its impact by actively engaging a large and diverse set of funders, champions, allies and supporters.
The plan will be implemented over the next several months under the leadership of Kathy Phifer, Executive Director for the Montgomery County Office of Housing and Community Development.
Click below to access the strategic plan.
2013 Your Way Home Montgomery County
(5.86 MB)