State of Hunger: Pennsylvania (2013)

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  • Nearly 1.6 million Pennsylvania residents struggle to put food on their table each year.
  • Hunger costs the commonwealth $6.2 billion in avoidable health care costs, lost economic productivity, more expensive public education due to poor outcomes and the cost for nonprofits and charities to feed the hungry
  • 3/4 of people who use SNAP (formerly food stamps) leave th program within two years.

These statistics reflect the state of hunger in Pennsylvania today.

The Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger recently released this report describing who is affected by hunger in the commonwealth. The report includes stories of Pennsylvanians struggling to feed themselves and their families and offers policy recommendations to raise awareness, remove barriers, advocate for policies and support appropriate legislative efforts.

In addition, the Coalition produced county specific data. 

  • 11% of Montgomery County residents, and 14% of Montgomery County children, do not get enough to eat
  • 1 in 17 Montgomery County residents receives SNAP benefits
  • Close to 500,000 pounds of food comes into Montgomery County, purchased by emergency food providers through the State Food Purchase Program

The foundation recently published the report, The Hunger and Food Safety Net System:  Best Practices and Opportunities for Pennsylvania and Montgomery County. The report describes federal and state efforts to alleviate hunger and provides recommendations to strengthen the food safety net for food pantries, county and state officials and funders.

Download the Coalition's full report and Montgomery County Fact Sheet below.