Safety Net Resiliency Initiative February 2020 Community Update

Report cover of Safety Net Resiliency Initiative Community Update Report

This report provides an overview of the Safety Net Resiliency Initiative and its accomplishments in 2019. This 10-year effort aims to improve the foundation of the Montgomery County safety net system so that it can remain financially sustainable and resilient, while also doing a better job of meeting the needs of all of our residents. The effort is community driven, where our success depends on each of us to fundamentally shift how we work together. 

The report highlights the six key strategies of the Initiative, and shares accomplishments such as:

  • 139 individuals attending the Community of Practice, from over 100 unique safety net organizations

  • 10 agencies receiving Innovation Lab grants totaling over $300,000 in systems change investments

  • 14 organizations participating in the System Leadership Capacity Building Program

The report also provides a spotlight on key strategies, such as the Innovation Lab grant program and the System Leadership Capacity Building Program. A calendar of 2020 events is included.

Download the report by clicking on the link below.