Greater North Penn Community Needs Assessment (2012)

With support from the foundation, the Greater North Penn Collaborative for Health and Human Services (now The Bucks-Mont Collaborative) commissioned the School of Public Health at Drexel University to conduct a needs assessment for the North Penn and surrounding communities.
Jana M. Mossey, Ph.D. and Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health compiled data from existing data sources to identify important community level health risks, concerns or problems. This report summarizes the findings.
Data point to several public health problems that exist in the community, including:
- Lack of affordable housing
- Limited access to health care, especially for the elderly and vulnerable populations
- Dearth of knowledge of available services and how to access
- Inadequate public transportation
The Collaborative will use the findings in this report to determine areas of focus for the near future.
Download the full report at the link below.