Community Impact Report For Your Way Home Montgomery County (2017-2018)

Released at its 6th Annual Summit, this report details the impact Your Way Home Montgomery County has had on the experience of homelessness, both in the past year and cumulatively.
The report provides a snapshot of the outcomes in each of six core strategies:
- Coordinated entry
- Emergency shelter
- Housing Resource Centers
- Connection to supportive services
- Collective impact and
- Prevention.
In 2017, 1,817 households (1,205 single adults, 612 families) were newly homeless and assessed by the Your Way Home Call Center. Seven hundred seventy-eight people accessed emergency shelter, including 166 served by Code Blue shelters during bitterly cold days.
Eighty-six percent of people who exited Rapid Re-Housing to permanent housing have not returned to homelessness in two years. The average length of time it took for an individual to move through the Rapid Re-Housing program to permanent housing was 56 days.
Homelessness has been reversed in Montgomery County, thanks to Your Way Home. At its peak in 2011, 464 individuals were homeless on a single January night at the annual Point-in-Time count. For the January 2018 Point-in-Time count, that number fell by 37% to 291 individuals.
Access the full report below.