Community Impact Report for Your Way Home Montgomery County (2016)

This latest report from Your Way Home shows continued decreases in people experiencing homelessness across Montgomery County.
Nearly 3,000 people were served through Your Way Home in 2016, which includes street outreach, emergency shelters, rapid re-housing, transitional housing and permanent supportive housing.
The goal of Your Way Home is to make the experience of homelessness in Montgomery County rare, brief and non-recurring. Some of the outcomes from 2016 include:
86% of households (503 of 586) at risk of homelessness
are diverted from entering an emergency shelter.
The median length of stay in shelter was 56 days in 2016.
86% of people who exited Rapid Re-Housing to permanent
housing have not returned to homelessness within 2 years
(276 of 320 people who exited to permanent housing
over 2 years ago have not returned to homelessness).
The full report can be downloaded below.