Statement on the Events of January 6, 2021

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We must stand together to not only condemn hate and violence, but to actively promote respectful discourse, civility, compassion and understanding, and the recognition of the common bond we all share as humans.

Dear community partners and friends,

We want to acknowledge the distress many in our community are feeling in this moment, following yesterday's events at the U S Capitol. It was heartbreaking to watch the events unfold, as violence and anger overtook compassion, civility, and the democratic processes so dear to our country. We condemn this violence and the rhetoric that stokes its flames.

Throughout the last year, the impact of the global pandemic and the frequent incidents of social and racial unrest in our nation permeated our daily lives. HealthSpark Foundation continues to work in partnership with hundreds of community members, guided by a set of shared principles developed last year to rekindle our efforts to rebuild our community.

Central to those principles is the need to speak with a common voice for what is just. We must stand together not only to condemn hate and violence, but to actively promote respectful discourse, civility, compassion and understanding, and the recognition of the common bond we all share as humans. The despicable events of yesterday demonstrate what is at stake when we stand silently by, or worse, when we tolerate violence, the dissemination of lies, and hatred.

Our country finds itself in a time where divisions are strong. Yet we recognize that each day brings a new challenge and opportunity. Now is the time to stand together for what is right- for equality, for justice, and for peace.

In partnership,
Russell Johnson, President and CEO