HealthSpark Foundation President And CEO Announces Retirement

Russell Johnson, HSF President and CEO Announces Retirement

Russell Johnson, HSF President and CEOWith more than twenty years serving as President of HealthSpark Foundation, Russell Johnson recently announced plans to retire by year end. 

As the foundation's first employee, he built a team of talented people to serve as relationship builders, advocates for social justice, and conveners to raise the voices of people with lived experiences and those who provide services.  His work has helped to inform local policy and practice and to build organizational and safety net system capacity.   Recognizing the enormity and scale of challenges to build and sustain an inclusive safety net system In Montgomery County, he led numerous efforts to partner with others and to encourage colleagues to explore the value of partnerships and collaborative work. 

He has led various regional and statewide efforts designed to benefit Montgomery County's nonprofit organizations and the people they serve.  Russ encouraged the HSF board and team to design initiatives beyond its grantmaking program that included convenings, research, advocacy, and leadership development. His efforts to engage the community in holistic, equitable, inclusive, and just thinking became a hallmark of his work at HealthSpark Foundation.  He leaves the foundation well positioned to sustain its current work and for his successor to enhance and expand upon his legacy.

The Board of Directors has formed a Presidential search committee, created a position description, and engaged Criterion Search Group to lead the candidate search process. 

Please join HealthSpark in celebrating Russ at his Retirement Farewell Reception on November 17, 2022 from 5-7pm. You can RSVP your attendance here.